Projects |
- Fabrication of novel multi-enzyme system from protein self-assembly and its synergetic catalysis in carbon dioxide utilization, supported by Natural Science Foundation of China (No. 91534119), 2016.1-2018.12, PI.
- Studies of High-Performance Self-Assembly Technology for Virus-like Particle, supported by the Key Program of Natural Science Foundation of Tianjin (Grant No. 13JCZDJC31100) , 2013.4-2016.3, PI.
- Exploring smart thrombolytic strategy by multi-scale molecular dynamics simulation, supported by National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 21006069), 2011.1-2013.12, PI.
- Interfacial behavior of protein molecules, supported by Innovation Foundation of Tianjin University, 2014.1-2015.12, PI.
- Molecular insight into thrombus formation and the rational design of inhibitors, supported by Innovation Foundation of Tianjin University, 2011.6-2012.6, PI.
- Multi-scale investigation on the interfacial behaviors of protein, supported by Innovation Foundation of Tianjin University, 2011.6-2012.6, PI.
- Exploring the interfacial and molecular mechanisms of hydrophobic charge induction displacement chromatography, supported by Innovation Foundation of Tianjin University, 2010.1-2011.12, PI.
- Molecular insight of hydrophobic charge induction chromatography: a molecular simulation study, supported by China Postdoctoral Science Foundation (Ministry of Education) (Grant No. 20080440679), 2008-2010, PI.
Publications |
- Wenchao Zhang, Yan Sun, Lin Zhang*, Fabrication of High Efficient Silver Nanoparticle Catalyst Supported on Poly(glycidyl methacrylate)-polyacrylamide. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 2016, 55(48): 12398–12406.
- Chao Zhang, Lin Zhang*, Youcai Zhang, Na Sun, Shaoyi Jiang, Timothy J. Fujihara, Yan Sun*, Development of antithrombotic nanoconjugate blocking integrin α2β1-collagen interactions. Scientific Reports, 2016, 6, 26292.
- Lin Zhang, Linda HL Lua, Anton PJ Middelberg, Yan Sun, Natalie K. Connors*: Biomolecular Engineering of Virus-Like Particles Aided by Computational Chemistry Methods. Chemical Society Reviews, 2015, 44(23): 8608–8618.
- Wenchao Zhang, Yan Sun, Lin Zhang*: In Situ Synthesis of Monodisperse Silver Nanoparticles on Sulfhydryl-Functionalized Poly(glycidyl methacrylate) Microspheres for Catalytic Reduction of 4-Nitrophenol. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 2015, 54(25): 6480–6488.
- Wenchao Zhang, Lin Zhang*, Yan Sun: Size-Controlled Green Synthesis of Silver Nanoparticles Assisted by L-Cysteine. Frontiers of Chemical Science and Engineering, 2015, DOI 10.1007/s11705-015-1527-1.
- Linling Yu#, Lin Zhang#, Yan Sun*: Protein behavior at surfaces: Orientation, conformational transitions and transport. Journal of Chromatography A, 2015, 1382C: 118–134.
- Lin Zhang, Ronghong Tang, Shu Bai, Natalie K. Connors, Linda HL Lua, Yap P. Chuan, Anton PJ Middelberg, Yan Sun*: Energetic changes caused by antigenic module insertion in a virus-like particle revealed by experiment and molecular dynamics simulations. PLoS ONE, 2014, 9(9): e107313–12.
- Yanying Li, Xiaodan Liu, Xiaoyan Dong, Lin Zhang*, Yan Sun*: Biomimetic Design of Affinity Peptide Ligand for Capsomere of Virus-Like Particle. Langmuir, 2014, 30(28): 8500–8508.
- Lin Zhang, Yan Sun*: Biomimetic design of platelet adhesion inhibitors to block integrin α2β1-collagen interactions: I. Construction of affinity binding model. Langmuir, 2014, 30 (16): 4725–4733.
- Lin Zhang, Chao Zhang, Yan Sun*: Biomimetic design of platelet adhesion inhibitors to block integrin α2β1-collagen interactions: II. Inhibitor library, screening and experimental validation. Langmuir, 2014, 30 (16): 4734–4742.
- Xiaoyan Dong, Xiaodan Liu, Lin Zhang*, Intein-Mediated Expression and Purification of Murine Polyomavirus Virus-Like Particles, Journal of Tianjin University (Science and Technology) , 2014, 47(04): 315–320. (EI)
- Lin Zhang, Ronghong Tang, Shu Bai, Natalie K. Connors, Linda HL Lua, Yap P. Chuan, Anton PJ Middelberg, Yan Sun*, Molecular Energetics in the Capsomere of Virus-Like Particle Revealed by Molecular Dynamics Simulations. Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 2013, 117(18): 5411–5421. (SCI, 143TS, IF 3.603)
- Shu Bai, Hao Li, Lin Zhang*, Standing orientation of lysozymes induced by electrostatically repulsive surface, Acta Physico-Chimica Sinica, 2013, 29(4): 849–857. (SCI, 116EB, IF 0.869)
- Shu Bai, Ronghong Tang, Lin Zhang*, Molecular Dynamics Simulation of the Stability of Capsomere, Chemical Industry and Engineering, 2013, 30(6): 62–66.
- Lin Zhang, Yan Sun*, Effect of ligand chain length on hydrophobic charge induction chromatography revealed by molecular dynamics simulations, Frontiers of Chemical Science and Engineering, 2013, 7(4): 456–463.
- Guangjie Han, Xiaoyan Dong, Lin Zhang*, Litang Fu, Guozhen Wang, Yan Sun*, Facilitated oxidative refolding of ribonuclease A from inclusion bodies with a new redox system, Biochemical Engineering Journal, 2012, 69 (15): 106–112. (SCI, 052DS, IF 2.692)
- Jian Li, Lin Zhang, Yan Sun*, Molecular basis of the initial platelet adhesion in arterial thrombosis: molecular dynamics simulations, Journal of Molecular Graphics and Modelling, 2012, 37: 49–58. (SCI, 969AD, IF 2.038)
- Guofeng Zhao, Lin Zhang*, Shu Bai, Yan Sun*, Analysis of hydrophobic charge induction displacement chromatography by visualization with confocal laser scanning microscopy, Separation and Purification Technology, 2011, 82: 138–147. (SCI, 845OD, IF 2.775)
- Lin Zhang, Shu Bai, Yan Sun*, Modification of Martini force field for molecular dynamics simulation of hydrophobic charge induction chromatography of lysozyme, Journal of Molecular Graphics and Modelling, 2011, 29(7): 906–914. (SCI, 774VL, IF 2.038)
- Lin Zhang, Guofeng Zhao, Yan Sun*, Effects of ligand density on hydrophobic charge induction chromatography: a molecular dynamics simulation. Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 2010, 114 (6): 2203–2211. (SCI, 553GV, IF 3.603)
- Lin Zhang, Shu Bai, Yan Sun*, Molecular dynamics simulation of the effect of ligand homogeneity on protein behavior in hydrophobic charge induction chromatography, Journal of Molecular Graphics and Modelling, 2010, 28(8): 863–869. (SCI, 606HY, IF 2.038)
- Lin Zhang, Yan Sun*, Molecular simulation of adsorption and its implications to protein chromatography: a review. Biochemical Engineering Journal, 2010, 48 (3): 408–415. (SCI, 576CO, IF 2.692)
- Lin Zhang, Guofeng Zhao, Yan Sun*, Molecular dynamics simulation and experimental validation for the effect of pH on protein desorption in hydrophobic charge induction chromatography, Molecular Simulation, 2010, 36(13): 1096–1103. (SCI, 685KP, IF 1.215)
- Lin Zhang, Guofeng Zhao, Yan Sun*, Molecular insight into protein conformational transition in hydrophobic charge induction chromatography: a molecular dynamics simulation, Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 2009, 113(19): 6873–6880. (SCI, 443CP, IF 3.603)
- Lin Zhang, Diannan Lu, Zheng Liu*, Dynamic control of protein conformation transition in chromatographic separation based on hydrophobic interactions: Molecular dynamics simulation, Journal of Chromatography A, 2009, 1216(12): 2483-2490. (SCI, 419KH, IF 4.194)
- Lin Zhang, Diannan Lu, Zheng Liu*, How native proteins aggregate in solution: a dynamic Monte Carlo simulation, Biophysical Chemistry. 2008, 133(1-3): 71-80. (SCI, 268ZQ, IF 2.108)
- Lin Zhang, Diannan Lu, Zheng Liu*, Dynamic Monte Carlo simulation on protein aggregation and its inhibition by polymer, Journal of Chemical Industry and Engineering(China), 2008, 59(01), 153-159. (EI, 080811110678)
- Lin Zhang, Diannan Lu, Zheng Liu*, The effect of urea on the conformational transition of protein in aqueous by molecular dynamics simulations, Chinese Journal of Bioprocess Engineering, 2006, 4(03), 38-43.