Zheng Guo

Building 4, Science Park, Gustav Wieds Vej 10C,
Aarhus University. DK-8000 Århus C, Denmark
Tel: +45 8942 5285
Fax: +45 7612 3178
E-mail: guo@mb.au.dk

My LIMBing
Period: 2001 – 2004, Dr. Eng. in Biochemical Engineering at Tianjin University, Tianjin, China.
Research Project: .
After LIMBing

1992.07 – 1997.08       Assistant Professor, Henan University of Technology.
1997.10 – 2003.09       Lecturer, Henan University of Technology.
2003.10 – 2004.04       Associate professor, Henan University of Technology.
2004.05 – 2008.06       Research assistant professor; Technical University of Denmark.
2008.07 – 2010.01       Research associate, Aarhus University.
2010.01 – present       Associate Professor, Aarhus university.

Publications & works
Over 30 peer reviewed papers in international journals; Chapter contributions to 4 scientific works (in English); Co-author of 3 books (In Chinese); 16 international conference contributions; 1 world patent WO/2006/082093 and 1 US patent US2009042985 A1.