Dr. Van De Sandt and His Group Visited the School

    Dr. van de Sandt and his group from DSM Biotechnology Center made a visit to Tianjin University and LIMB on Nov. 14, 2012.

    Dr. van de Sandt and his group were warmly welcomed and with the company of Dr. Qing-Hong SHI and Dr. Lin ZHANG. They visited the laboratories of LIMB and several other research groups in the School of Chemical Engineering in Tianjin University. During the brif visit, Dr. van de Sandt was shown the advanced scientific research instruments and equipments which indicated the scientific strength of laboratories of LIMB.

    At noon, Dr. van de Sandt and his group had a delicious lunch. After lunch, Dr. van de Sandt and Dr. Lin Zhang made a presentation about DSM Biotechnology and exchanged academic perspectives with the staffs and students of LIMB.

    In the late afternoon, Dr. van de Sandt left Tianjin University. His visit would benefit a lot to the academic exchanges of both sides.