Zhen-Fu Wang

Ph.D Candidate
P.O. : School of Chemical Engineering and Technology, Tianjin University, P.R.China, 300354
Phone: +86-18362950020

Email: 1018207112@tju.edu.cn

2018.9 – now Ph.D Candidate, LIMB, Department of Biochemical Engineering, School of chemical engineering & technology, Tianjin University.

2015.9 – 2018.7 M.Eng., Department of Chemical Engineering, School of Biotechnology & Pharmaceutical, Nanjing Tech University.

2011.9 – 2015.7 B.Eng. Department of Chemical Engineering and Technology, School of chemical and Pharmaceutical engineering, Hebei University of Science and Technology.
Research Interests

Fuel the micro/nano swimmers by combining of photocatalysis and enzymatic reactions.